
How to Create a Shutdown Shortcut

Enter the shutdown command. In the field labeled “Type the location of the item”, enter shutdown /s This will create a shortcut that will shut down the computer ...


2023年10月5日 — If you want to shut down more than one computer at a time, you can call shutdown for each computer by using a script, or you can use shutdown /i ...

Shutdown commands

2020年9月16日 — Pressing the [Windows] + [R] keys at the same time (the Windows key can be found on most keyboards and is indicated by the Windows “flag” symbol) ...

The Command Prompt

2024年1月3日 — shutdown /s command shuts down the system that you are working on. shutdown / i from the command prompt opens the Remote Shutdown Dialog window, ...

What is the Shutdown Command in Windows?

2021年12月23日 — The shutdown command is used to shut down or restart local and remote computers. It can also hibernate and log off a computer.

Windows 7 Embedded

2016年2月24日 — Go to the Start menu · Type cmd in the Search field · Press Enter · From an open command prompt window, you can type shutdown, and then the option ...

Windows 關機、重開機Command Line (cmd) 指令

其中一個辦法就是透過windows 的command line (cmd) 來執行。 圖片來源:http://mintywhite.com/windows-7/7maintenance/delete-file-command-prompt/. 如何使用shutdown.


Entertheshutdowncommand.Inthefieldlabeled“Typethelocationoftheitem”,entershutdown/sThiswillcreateashortcutthatwillshutdownthecomputer ...,2023年10月5日—Ifyouwanttoshutdownmorethanonecomputeratatime,youcancallshutdownforeachcomputerbyusingascript,oryoucanuseshutdown/i ...,,2020年9月16日—Pressingthe[Windows]+[R]keysatthesametime(theWindowskeycanbefoundonmostkeyboardsandisindicatedbytheWindows“fl...